
Simon Duden

Positive Behaviour Support Practitioner

Simon Duden is a Positive Behaviour Support Practitioner who commenced working with Hearth Allied Health in September 2021.

Initially Simon Duden commenced his career as a mechanical engineer in Germany in 2007 but seized the opportunity to make a career change to the disability sector when he arrived in Australia in 2015.

Simon accelerated his career in the disability sector in 2019 as a Behaviour Data Analyst at Irabina Autism Services. It was in this role that Simon Duden developed his interest, deep understanding and experience in behaviours of concern by analysing the behaviour to determine the functions of behaviours.

During his time at Irabina Autism Services Simon learnt how to implement evidence-based practice in an interdisciplinary specialist team environment with great success to achieve positive change in the Individuals environment and to the people who support them.

These specialist teams included many other Allied Health professionals such as Speech Pathologists, Clinical Psychologist, Occupational Therapists implementing multidisciplinary treatment and the supervision of clinicians

To date Simon Duden has supported a variety of Clients including children, adults, and families with complex presentations that include behaviours of concern such as self-harm and aggressive behaviour.

In addition, Simon has provided positive behaviour support and training for primary carers, support workers and extended care teams in a range of settings including homes and schools

Simon thrives in collaborative, interdisciplinary environments where whole teams are working toward improved quality of life outcomes for clients.

Simon Duden draws great satisfaction working collaboratively to achieve outcomes with clients that not only reduce the need for clients to use behaviours that challenge, but also result in an enriched life experience that may not have seemed possible prior to positive behaviour support involvement.

His academic interests lie in the study of behaviour science and psychology.

In 2022, Simon plans to undertake Masters’ level training in applied behaviour analysis.

Additionally, Simon is fluent in German

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