
A Holistic Approach to

Disability Support Services in Victoria

Service Summary

NDIS registered

Support Worker

Hearth recruits, employs, matches, trains and provides ongoing support to disability support workers within the NDIS
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Positive Behaviour Support

Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) is an approach that is used to support behaviour change in a child or adult with a learning disability. PBS teaches alternative behaviour and changes the environment to support the person well, aiming to reduce and eliminate restrictive practices.
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Allied Health

Hearth Allied Health include Speech Pathology, Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy
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Hearth Housing is a new approach to non-Specialist Disability Accommodation and works with participants to facilitate the transition to long term rental housing solutions.
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Support Worker

Hearth recruits, employs, matches, trains and provides ongoing support to disability support workers within the NDIS
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Allied Health

Hearth Allied Health include Speech Pathology, Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy
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Hearth Housing is a new approach to non-Specialist Disability Accommodation and works with participants to facilitate the transition to long term rental housing solutions.
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The Hearth approach works best with a holistic team approach to support.

Hearth Staff
Working with the participants support team from Allied Health, Psychologists, Social Workers, Educationalists, Medical Professionals and of course Hearth Support Workers.
Often the Hearth Support Workers spend the most time with the participant, so the Hearth approach works best with the whole support team working well together guiding and enabling the Support Workers.

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