
Angela Cotter

Senior Occupational Therapist (Consultant)

B. Occ. Therapy

Angela Cotter is a very experienced Occupational Therapist who has partnered and consults with Hearth Allied Health. Angela has worked as an occupational therapist at Glenallen School in Glen Waverley for the best part of thirty years, where she has developed expertise in working with children and young adults who have complex physical disabilities. With a broad range of experience in prescribing equipment, and a keen interest in how people can access assistive technology (AT), Angela Cotter has a high level of capability which enables her to enhance the lives of people who have complex disabilities and communication impairments. Alternative access for play and communication for people who have significant physical impairments is a particular passion. Angela Cotter also works in a private capacity with clients under the National Disability Insurance Scheme in providing AT assessments for relevant equipment to meet the needs of each client and their family.

Angela Cotter provides hoist training to Hearth Support Workers as well as professional supervision, support and education to Hearth occupational therapy.

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