
Sector Experienced Operational Expert Team

Sector Experienced Operational Expert Team

Hearth is a NDIS registered and audited provider with hundreds of Clients and hundreds of Disability Support Workers operating 24/7, 365 days a year.

To meet the demand for our services and deliver consistent sustainable support we have had to develop our capability, capacity, and structure.

In the last 12 months we have expanded the Hearth ecosystem to provide even more support for our Clients i.e.,
Hearth has developed

  • A Hearth Housing solution for Clients not eligible for NDIS Supported Disability Accommodation “SDA “(94% of NDIS participants)
  • Hearth Allied Health services including Physiotherapy, Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Positive Behaviour Support.

Hearth has evolved over the years into an ecosystem of support for the Client and everyone else within the ecosystem, enabling us to provide sustainable long-term support i.e.

  • The Client is onboarded by The Hearth Client Intake Team
  • The Client is supported by a Hearth Disability Support Worker or Workers
  • The Clients and Disability Support Workers and are supported by the Hearth Relationship Managers
  • The Hearth Relationship managers are supported by assistants called Client Support Offices (CSO) and Client Relationship Offices (CRO). They also have Client Team Leaders who support, guide, and mentor them.
  • The Client, Disability Support Workers, Relationship Managers, CSOs, CROs, Client Team Leaders also have a broad team of experts to call on including Client Intake Team, Human Relations, Recruitment, Training, Payroll, Finance, Compliance, Communication, and IT

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