
High Support Package – Intake Specialist Team Meeting

High Support Package – Intake Specialist Team Meeting
Hearth understands...
  • Participants vary enormously by personality, goals, interests, age, and disability.
  • Every Participant and family situation is unique
  • We collaborate with the Client/Participant to build a long-term sustainable support team, nurturing a partnership with the right Support Worker/s who really know the Participants goals, interests, and passions
  • Ensuring the foundations of support are the right human connection.
Hearth has...
  • A dedicated sector experienced Client Intake Team who facilitates and ensures a seamless hassle-free onboarding of new Clients
  • A Responsive and personalised stage & gate process which onboards new clients
  • Supported by a proven successful process to build and manage sustainable support
Hearth undertakes...
  • For high support needs Client/Participants Hearth undertakes an initial meeting with the Client/Participant attended by Head of Client Intake, Hearth CEO, Head of Client Services, Head of Compliance to fully understand the Clients
    • Support needs
    • Support practices
    • Potential additional support required
    • What has worked and not worked in the past
  • Hearth consider this an important first step in building a long-term partnership
  • This resource is provided at no cost to the Client/Participant – Hearth’s investment in the Client/Participant experience
Ensuring the foundations of support are the right human connection

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