
How to Survive Lockdown 2.0

As we move into the 2nd week of Stage IV lockdown the impacts of further restrictions, physical distancing, social isolation, loss of freedom and increased pressures can make us feel anxious, stressed, and worried.

The combination of these factors can begin to take its toll, especially for our Support Worker community that are in the frontline caring and supporting those that need it most.

We thank you for your dedication and commitment to ensuring that our participants continue to receive the care and support that they need during these challenging times. In our recent Support Worker check in calls many of you expressed concerns about the heightened levels of anxiety at this time particularly with the wearing of masks and managing your wellbeing and personal safety. Being aware of how you are feeling and knowing what you can do to look after your physical & mental wellbeing is an important part of staying healthy at this time.

To support you over the coming weeks of lock down we will continue to keep you updated on relevant information and provide you with tips and strategies to help look after yourself and those around you as we tackle these challenges together. 

Read below for the first of out Surviving lockdown strategies

Tip # 1 – Stay home if you are sick

  • If you have any COVID-19 symptoms, no matter how mild, get tested
  • Stay 1.5 metres away from other people—think two big steps
  • Wash your hands lots with soap and water, or hand sanitizer
  • Sneeze or cough into your arm or a tissue. Then put the tissue in the bin
  • Wear a face mask to minimise the spread of infection

Tip # 2 – Maintain your daily routine

Maintain your existing routine or try to set a new routine to deal with this situation. Doing this will help you stay grounded and remind you that there are still some things that are within your control. Your daily routine should include sleeping and waking up at the same time every day, having meals regularly, doing some exercise and having time for yourself.

Tip # 3 – Accept your emotions

You may be feeling many negative emotions – stress, anger, worry, frustration, or even fear. Remind yourself that these are common human emotions and that it is okay to experience them, especially in such challenging situations. Doing this can validate your emotions and remind you that you are not alone. You can write about your emotions in a journal and reflect upon what you have written to better understand them.

Tip # 4 – Soothe yourself

At times, you might find yourself feeling overwhelmed and burdened with all that is going on – in these cases, self-soothing can be a helpful skill. Your mind is more capable of providing you with a solution to overcome problems when it is relaxed. You can try simple things like taking deep breaths, having a shower, listening to music, or pacing for some time. You could also meditate or practise visualisation to calm yourself down.

Tip # 5 – How to wear your face mask safely

Wearing a mask provides an additional physical barrier and helps prevent the spread of coronavirus and community transmission. All support workers are required to wear a face mask when working on shift. Watch this video to learn the safest way to apply your mask to minimise further infection.

Tip # 6 – Seek additional support

Staying connected and reaching out to family and friends is important but there may be times when you need professional support if you feel that the stress or anxiety that you are experiencing is getting too much. Hearths Employee Assistance program (EAP) – Carnachie At Work is available to all its employees. The counselling service is free and confidential. Counselling is provided to address any workplace or personal issues. They can be contacted 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on 1800 099 444

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