
Hearth Support Services – Mask Action Plan

Hearth Support Services – Mask Action Plan

In response to the Victorian Premiers announcement on July 19th  “Face Coverings Mandatory For Melbourne And Mitchell Shire”, “this new rule won’t be enforced until after 11.59pm on Wednesday 22 July – but for those who can, please start wearing yours immediately”, we have put in place the following Action Plan as follows.

Stage 1 – Immediate Action – Ensure all have masks from Thursday onwards

We have just sent out the our last remaining supply of the 1,800 Med Con surgical masks that we purchased in late March 2020 to our Participant community. Unfortunately, Med Cons entire production of surgical masks for the next 6 months has been purchased by the Australian Government.

Fortunately, we have been able to purchase an additional 2,000 surgical masks from an alternative supplier and they will be delivered to us today. We will courier a 10 pack of these surgical masks to every member of our entire Support Worker team starting today.

Stage 2 – Follow up Action – Ongoing Mask approach

We are exploring all options to secure appropriate PPE for our team of Support Workers to get our Support Workers and Participants safely through the current phase of COVID-19 Lockdown 2.0.

As always, we are here to help if you need any kind of assistance please do not hesitate to contact me or any member of the Hearth Team and we will do our best to assist.

Warm Regards

Justin Scanlon

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