
Hearth Response to Coronavirus (COVID 19)

Friday 13/3/20

Hearth Response to Coronavirus (COVID 19)

Dear Participants, Families and Staff

As many of you are aware there is a lot of news about the incidence of Coronavirus (COVID-19) becoming more prevalent in our communities.  Here at Hearth we continue to be guided by the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services, as well as the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission on how to respond in the event of an outbreak in these unprecedented times.

What will continue is our priority of the wellbeing of our participants and staff and that our staff continue to reinforce the importance of our standard practices that promote participant and support worker safety at all times. As a registered NDIS provider, Hearth continues to uphold our obligation to the delivery of safe, quality supports and services, and the management of risks associated with the supports provided.

Specifically, there are some practices that are recommended at this time such as hand hygiene, reducing person to person contact where possible and to be very cautious when feeling unwell.  

For families it is important that you maintain the strong communication with your Relationship Manager, as our support worker’s workplace is your home. Any queries, questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to make contact 1800 894 013.

Our Approach:

Hearth Staff

  1. All support workers have been reminded of their obligations under the NDIS Code of Conduct to provide services in a competent and safe manner.
  2. All support workers have been reminded of our hand hygiene and infection control standard operating procedure. (see separate post “Hearth – Good Hygiene Practice”)
  3. All support workers and staff must complete hand hygiene at the beginning and end of a shift as a minimum.
  4. Please continue to wear PPE for personal care shifts.
  5. All support workers and staff must monitor their health and review the “Australian Government Department of Health Coronavirus (COVID 19) What You Need to Know” information sheet. (see link ) https://www.health.gov.au/news/health-alerts/novel-coronavirus-2019-ncov-health-alert/what-you-need-to-know-about-coronavirus-covid-19
  6. All employees are required to stay at home if they have symptoms and to let us know if they are diagnosed or have had contact with someone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19.
  7. All employees must inform their Relationship Manager if they have recently been traveling overseas. Appropriate actions will be taken before an employee can return to work.
  8. Ensure your emergency contact details and health information are up to date


  1. Please review your healthcare plans to ensure you have all available information at hand should an emergency arise.
  2. Continue to provide PPE as per normal for personal care shifts and adopt hand hygiene practices in your home.
  3. You may wish to have additional PPE as per your health requirements in line with Victorian Department of Health Guidelines.
  4. Ensure your medications are up to date and you have access to or have some additional repeats of crucial medicines in your home.
  5. Monitor you and your family’s health and monitor their temperature and that there are no signs of symptoms as per the “Victorian Health and Human Services Self-assessment for risk of coronavirus (COVID 19)” guidelines. https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/sites/default/files/documents/202003/2001628_COVID-19%20Self%20assessment%20for%20risk-A3_V13.pdf
  6. Inform your Relationship Manager if you or a family member have been exposed to, have symptoms or are diagnosed with COVID-19

For Further Information from the NDIS Click here.


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