
Hearth celebrates partnership with Box Hill Institute

By Liv Gorman

Hearth’s Managing Director, Justin Scanlon, and Head of Relationship Managers, Nellie Godwin, attended Box Hill Institute’s Graduation Ceremony on Tuesday 26th March for the Faculty of Health, Community and Life Sciences. The ceremony was held in a full theatre at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre. Hearth was in attendance as a sponsor for the ‘Outstanding Student Award’ for 2018. Nellie was proud to present this award to Simon Barry, graduating from the ‘Certificate of Disability Program’ in 2018.

Graduation Ceremony Auditorium 2019
Box Hill Graduation Ceremony 2019
Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre (MCEC)

Box Hill Institute is one of Melbourne’s leading TAFEs, focusing on the provision of student training and industry knowledge. The team are excited to be continuing their partnership with Box Hill by providing employment opportunities for current students and recent graduates who have demonstrated academic excellence and early industry partnership. Other supporting Box Hill partners include, Kew Neighbourhood Learning Centre, Regis, Hesta and Epworth Hospital.

Box Hill Graduation Ceremony 2019.
Graduation Address
Box Hill Student Receiving an Award 2019

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