
Hearth Appoints North West Region General Manager

Hearth Appoints North West Melbourne Region General Manager

I am very pleased and proud to announce that our new “North West Melbourne Office” which opened in March this year has exceeded all our lofty growth expectations despite COVID-19!

This result would not have been possible without the tremendous can-do attitude, skill, and effort of all involved!

As a result of this rapid growth, it is with great pleasure that I announce the appointment of Lisa Horkings as General Manager – North West Melbourne Region, effective 1st July 2020.

Lisa commenced with Hearth in December 2019 as a Relationship Manager and the Project Lead for our new North West Melbourne Region office.

In the time that Lisa has been with Hearth, Lisa has been a significant contributor to the growth and success of our new regional office. Lisa’s commitment to and passion for providing a quality service has been demonstrated by her strong leadership, project management, team building and partnering skills. Lisa has also introduced some very effective and different approaches to participant care and to the support worker team, all essential ingredients for delivering a high-quality service to our participants.

Lisa is highly experienced having worked in numerous community service sectors for the Salvation Army, Anglicare Victoria and the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services for over 30 years in various management roles.

Specifically, Lisa brings experience and expertise in dealing with homelessness mental health & trauma, child protection, complex case management, housing support, team building, management, and leadership.

Thanks team and congratulations Lisa, we look forward to your ongoing contribution to growing our dynamic business.

Justin Scanlon,

Managing Director

Hearth Support Services

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